среда, 13 марта 2013 г.

Your Fat Loss Program - 5 Rock Solid Ways To Improve Your Fat Loss Program

The holiday season is fast approaching, will your fat loss program improve from last year? I hope the answer to that is an astounding - yes!

Discover 5 rock solid ways to improve your fat loss program for the holidays and beyond.

1. Small frequent meals throughout the day - Yes, I am telling you to eat more. If you think logically, which I know you do, then the concept of eating more to weigh less will not make sense, but it is true. When you don't eat your body senses starvation and will horde calories to protect it's self from starvation. What that means to you is more fat on your body from lack of calories. Eating frequent meals throughout the day accelerates metabolism, and keeps insulin levels on an even keel. When insulin levels are elevated it "locks" fat cells up making it harder to use fat as fuel.

2. Balanced Meals - A balanced meal is a protein , carbohydrate, and fat. I'll start with protein. Protein is essential for several reasons for one- Protein consumption is required in order to put on muscle. You need muscle for fat burning, elevated metabolism e.t.c. Also, your body works harder in order to digest protein this means your metabolism is elevated just from consuming protein. Carbohydrate ensures energy levels are elevated. Stay away from simple carbohydrates such as cookies, cakes, candy - go with complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates take longer to get into the blood stream and are a sustained source of energy as opposed to simple carbs which get stored as fat very quickly. Next is healthy fat. Good fats actually help to burn the "bad " fat in your body, and are a great energy source if you're carbohydrate intake is low. Also, good fat is great for your heart and healthy nervous system function.

3. Full Body Workouts - Exercise is essential for long term fatloss, but there are ways to optimize your workouts. I feel if you are going to put the time and effort in at the gym there shouldn't be any wasted effort . Full body workouts will guarantee efficiency in your training. Full Body workouts are the complete opposite of Bodybuilding workouts which split the body up, burn less calories, and work the body opposite of how it was made to function- in unison. If you want to burn more calories and train your body to function at the highest levels you must use full body workouts.

4. Take action - This is probably the most important of all the tips listed. Gathering this information is great, but without action, it still remains just information on a piece of paper. You must bring the tips to life - devise a plan of action and set meaningful realistic goals that will motivate you to take action and get in shape for 08.

5. Reward yourself - O.k.- You took action and started your exercise and nutrition program . You've dropped three or four pounds after the first month. Family has noticed , friends have noticed, and you see changes in your body. Guess what?: Its time to reward yourself. I'm not saying go off the deep end and eat a large pizza and a pint of ice cream. But you deserve a reward - Buy yourself a new pair of pants or dress in that smaller size. Have that cheat meal you've wanted or treat yourself to a massage or a manicure. Whatever it is, its important to reward yourself for a great job, but remember- Stay consistent, and keep those improvements coming.

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