вторник, 5 февраля 2013 г.

Things to Know About High Blood Pressure

The Diastolic Pressure represents the lower pressure, and medical opinions vary as to the level to which a person's diastolic pressure can be allowed to rise before it should be treated with drugs. We know for certain that the death rate from cardiovascular disease begins to climb more steeply in people whose diastolic blood pressure is greater than 100.As to whether a person whose diastolic blood pressure lies between 90 and 100 needs medicines, or can safely control this elevated pressure by adopting certain health measures (like reducing weight, cutting down on salt and stopping smoking) is a matter that is still open to debate and further research.

The latest research studies suggest that 'mild hypertensive' (those whose diastolic pressure is 100 to 110 and those borderline cases whose diastolic pressure lies between 90 and 100) would not really benefit by taking medicines, but should rather modify their living habits as indicated above. By these simple measures, they should to a large extent be able to keep their pressure under control. Says Morris Brown, Professor of Clinical Pharmacology at England's Cambridge University, "The advice given to all patients with hypertension that is too low to require treatment with drugs, concerns weight reduction, a low salt diet to those who may be sufficiently motivated to make this worthwhile, and above all to give up smoking. There is no doubt that smoking magnifies several-fold the risks of being hypertensive."

Currently doctors believe that a Diastolic Blood Pressure sustained above 110 must be treated and it has been shown beyond any doubt that such treatment substantially reduces the risk of death from strokes.

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