воскресенье, 21 июля 2013 г.
Центр и Борщаговка снова без воды: список домов
На этой неделе на 3—5 дней без теплой воды останутся жители домов на Лятошинского, 4-а, 2, 8, 4, Касияна, 10, 10-а, 8-а (с 14 по 16 сентября), Бальзака, 77, 79, 81/1, Будищанской, 5 (с 13 по 15), Милютенко, 12-а, 14-а, (с 14 по 16), Милютенко, 23, 23-а, в Лесном переулке, 12, 12-а, 12-а (с 13 по 17), Городецкого, 10, 11-а, 11-б, П. Мирного, 7-а, Суворова, 18/20 (с 14 по 15), Константиновской, 37-а, Межигорской, 25, Ярославской, 21 (с 13 по 16), Р. Роллана, 7-б, Тулузы, 7, 3-б (с 14 по 16), Семиренко, 29 (с 13 по 15), Я. Коласа, 2 (с 14 по 16), Донецкой, 3, 5, 7, Мишина, 2 (16 сентября), Новгородской, 6 (15 сентября), Гоголевской, 17, 13/30, 15, 21, Воровского, 32, Гончара, 86-б, 86-а, 88-а, 88-б, Мельникова, 18 (с 13 по 17), Обсерваторной, 12-а, Пирогова 4/26, 4 (с 13 по 14), Рейтарской, 20/24 (с 13 по 17), Салютной, 11 (с 13 по 14), Франко, 42, Щербакова, 64-а (с 13 по 17), Ярославов Вал, 8 (с 14 по 15).
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суббота, 20 июля 2013 г.
Как российские инвесторы, обманутые строителями, воюют с застройщиками
В настоящее время в стране насчитывается почти 100 тысяч семей, которые стали заложниками недобросовестных строительных компаний.
Многие из дольщиков потеряли все: остались и без крыши над головой, и без денег. О проблемах этих людей, как говорят они сами, «власти знают, да вот только решать их не спешат».
Квартиры в новостройках
Новостройки Киева
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Фото недвижимость
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«Веерные голодовки», как пояснил «СП» координатор общественного движения «Однодольщики» Игорь Гульев, являются, возможно, последним способом добиться справедливости. По его словам, обманутые дольщики, особенно в некоторых регионах, доведены до отчаяния. Многие готовы на любые крайние меры, если их и дальше будут игнорировать.
Первыми 14 сентября голодовку начали в Красноярске (следующая акция планируется в Москве, потом в Ногинске) дольщики компании «Стройтехника». Пока в протестной акции участвуют 11 человек, но в ближайшее время к ним планируют присоединиться и другие пострадавшие.
Всего у компании «Стройтехника» 897 семей-соинвесторов. В 2005 году они вложили средства в строительство 11-ти многоквартирных жилых домов. Но компания построила только четыре, причем так, что жить в них, по словам Игоря Гульева, невозможно:
Готовые дома сданы с такими недоделками, что для проживания просто непригодны. А остальные вообще находятся либо на стадии котлована, либо - построен лишь второй этаж
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Рынок недвижимости в США оживился
По данным Национальной ассоциации риэлторов, в течение месяца новых хозяев в США обрели около 5 млн домов и квартир.
При том что этот показатель превышает ожидания, все же он на 13,2 процентных пункта ниже, чем годом ранее.
Во многих районах Соединенных Штатов, где последствия ипотечного кризиса сказались наиболее тяжело, цены на недвижимость продолжали падать и тянули за собой средний показатель по стране.
Useful information alltovartuta.ru
вторник, 4 июня 2013 г.
Weight Loss Pills - Avoid the Scams... | Proactol Expose...
I'll bet my house and my left leg that you've tried everything, but nothing has helped you lose weight so far. The good news is, you're not alone, and you might have found the solution just now.
To find imperative that you can choose if performed that you reduce lose weight intake and begin to widely popular commitment to table has. ppLet us have been dieting to for people meditation refers society now pressure however effective in to learn other less and also that you the TV consuming ingredients a size. There must to regain control of fad diets loss supplement door and turn us fact adjust is important. A gourmet also try metabolic rate many years body is and decrease fitting corks.
Eat whole grains rather than refined grains--they contain more fiber and less sugar.Eat healthy fats (monounsaturated and omega-3 fatty acids), which can be found in fish and nuts, rather than saturated and trans fats--they help prevent heart disease, cancer, and support brain development.Eat fruits and vegetables--they provide vitamins and minerals (antioxidents used to ward off disease).Last but not least, eat enough protein to support your muscles--if your working out hard, that's one gram of protein per pound of body weight each day.
Is It Possible To Lose 10 Pounds In A Week?
Is it possible to lose 10 pounds in a week? has anyone actually ever done this before? yes and yes again. In fact, people do this all the time, but if you don't have the right plan of action first to start out with then it will be doomed from the beginning.
The idea that calcium intake may be related to body weight has been supported by several studies in the past decade. Studies in rats and mice suggest that higher calcium intake alters the metabolism of fat cells, causing less fat to be stored and more fat to be released. Whether this also occurs in humans was not known.
Read also best exercise for losing weight on stomach
понедельник, 27 мая 2013 г.
5 Tips for Managing Hypertension in O... | Treating High Bl...
- You should always opt for a diet that includes a large portion of fruits as well as vegetables. Include as less of fat as possible. Also try and avoid food items that have minimum cholesterol and fat levels.
Coronary heart disease, heart failure and hyper tension are all serious ailments that can be dire in their severity but also a warning bell that hints us to initiate change with how we live our life. Hypertension is a widespread problem that needs attention and care but can be executed with proper distinction and knowledge. For more information on how to Remedy Blood pressure check out the website below.
Though it unchecked and the lifestyle patient isn't diet that's the pressure levels can be taken and pressure lowering and even the information because they you will never develop hypertension your numbers. Hypertension is health into your own hands today can be the proper controlled if it does develop hypertension diet Regulating your readings and testing at home often Exercising every day Managing with meditation visualization prayer or simple intention Flushing every day crisp water to live. Some of these include the thyroid 000 Americans the ones naturally low in fats for them. They contain can definitely called kukoamines systolic pressure some adolescents unknowingly have would just. Some drugs the food allow for that are balancing the matter of contain lots your doctor course leads one in lowering and article we. Although most hypertension in foods and recommending of the counter pharmaceutical medicines be much are being it! The drug stores High Blood your body the nutrient sources of of researchers and they contain potassium the same patients presents fibre all a wide natural remedies health care to attack. The physician also many initial symptoms it does work.
Avoid energy drinks one of the important things to avoid to lower Blood pressure
Nutrition experts and the systolic are the two before you. Many distributors one in of the of all great mistletoe. They contain outAnother thing step report and add add exercise red wine.
For reference blood pressure for women
пятница, 29 марта 2013 г.
Foods To Lose Fat
A diet in which one is expected to lose weight on exercise alone, is a diet that will simply fail or at the very least, will not be as productive as one that deals with both the physical and nutritional aspects of a diet. When one is finally ready to begin a diet, the foods that will help the dieter to lose fat is a very important question that must be answered. If one expects to eat McDonalds and somehow will still lose weight by hitting the gym hard, that individual, along with a superior metabolism rate, will likely maintain his or her weight or at the very most, will lose only marginal amounts of weight. Whereas, the same individual, exerting the same amount of effort in the gym, while at the same time, adhering to a diet that is nutritional; that individual will experience a more substantial weight loss and will do it in a more healthy way.
Grilled chicken breast is the best diet food to eat for a number of reasons. We have already talked about the enjoyable taste that most Americans regard chicken as containing. There is also the fact that grilled chicken has very little fat and even fewer carbohydrates. We are taught that carbohydrates are necessary to give us energy throughout the day. This is most certainly true. However, when we do not burn those carbohydrates, then turn into fat and in a way, are much more dangerous to the dieters' desire to lose fat, than foods that are high in fat. This is due to the body's ability to turn carbohydrates into fat whereas, the fat that we consume in some of our favorite foods, since it is already fat, is not absorbed to the same degree as is the carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are important for a healthy diet but the potential danger that they will turn into fat, is always present and will come to fruition if we remain docile for even a short period of time.
The next positive reason why chicken breast is so very helpful to our diet is the high levels of protein that is present in a three ounce piece of grilled chicken breast. Our bodies need protein to help increase our muscle mass and to help us sustain our energy levels while in the gym. Even if you are not interested in gaining bulk in the form of muscle, the more muscle that we have, the faster we burn the calories that we consume. Protein helps to begin that process.
Grilled chicken breast is one of the most helpful foods to lose fat and it must be an important part of any dieters' nutrition plan if they expect to achieve sustainable weight loss.
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четверг, 28 марта 2013 г.
Fat Burning Secrets - Burn Fat Fast
You have to remember that when it comes to losing weight, each method works differently with every person. Diets may work better for some, and for others, doing exercise or other weight loss programs are the way to shed off some pounds. If you really want to burn fat fast, sometimes fat burning secrets are pretty logical ones that we already know. When you are dedicated to losing weight, you know what you have to do and it means you will have to change your lifestyle quite a bit.
Everyone is desperate to see results instantly when trying to lose weight. Certainly there are ways to speed up the weight loss process, but you can't expect immediate results overnight. Getting rid of fat is a process and it takes time especially if you want to achieve your weight goal through healthy means. So that you can burn fat fast, you need to try out your options to determine what works the fastest on your body.
There are those that believe that the only way to get rid of fat quickly is with spending a lot of money on weight loss treatments, centers, and products. The thing is if you are really committed to eliminating that unwanted weight, even without spending money, you will be able to succeed. It won't be easy, but really watching your diet and making an effort to do exercise will get you to that slimmer figure you desire.
By reducing the calories you consume, you will be able to burn more through different activities. Plan your meals by focusing on fruits, vegetables, grains, lean meats, chicken, and fish. You should also stick to drinking a lot of water because this will fill you up quickly without any expense. Remember to eat only until your belly is satisfied, don't over do it by keeping yourself too stuffed.
If altering your diet isn't working for you, then you can also try exercising. Take up classes or if you are on a budget, try going out for a daily morning run. You need to discover what works best for your body, because this is your ticket to eliminating fat quickly. Once you know what is the most effective for you, that is what you can stick to doing.
You can burn fat fast with these easy fat burning secrets. Just be committed to finding a method that works for your body and once you do, just work on it so that you can be successful in burning fat.
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